Thanks to Bob Hamilton for a piece of this beauty. Sometimes we forget just how fine the McLellan Onc. tigrinum lines bred from Odcdm Tiger Butter and the Odcdm Tiger Hambuhren progeny were. This picture is a timely reminder.
Oops! The guy who named it was a real case, he lived on that road. A cripple, in actuality, with a crippled personality. An obnoxious fellow who was nothing in the Odont world but who caused problems for a brief spell and then croaked. Not missed.
MrCym wrote:Oops! The guy who named it was a real case, he lived on that road. A cripple, in actuality, with a crippled personality. An obnoxious fellow who was nothing in the Odont world but who caused problems for a brief spell and then croaked. Not missed.
LOL. Andy, you missed your TRUE calling--obit writer for the local fish wrapper.