Hybridizing legends..... Not!

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Hybridizing legends..... Not!

Post by MrCym »

I have to smile at some frequent commentators on FB. When you check their registration pedigree, you come up with a big fat zero! It is a waste of time to engage because, of course, they know it all. Doesn't matter whether the subject is Cyms, Cattleya Alliance or Paphiopedilums, there's always an "expert" who makes some mindless comments. I do get a bit of leeway in the Odont Alliance because they're so out of popularity currently that the armchair experts cannot even know what the current generic or species name actually is. I use the time-honored names and will never change, Mark Chase can go to hell! He has destroyed the time--honored Odontoglossum Alliance nomenclature and largely caused the decline in hobbyist interest.