The hobby Cymbidium scene.

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Re: The hobby Cymbidium scene.

Post by wolfman »

Well, it took a while for me to warm to cymbidiums at all, but the native Cym. madidum that we have growing on our property in several different varieties / colour forms, plus the phenomenal work of Kobsukh with Grammatocymbidiums finally convinced me that it's worth entering that area. So I am now into true miniatures and intergenerics, preferably pendulous ones, and especially those using Cym. devonianum, Chinese cymbidiums and / or Australian species. I am aware that folks who go into Chinese / Japanese cym.s are viewed as weird & a bit strange, but - pardon my French - I don't give a rat's arse, as I just love the esthetics. The problem I have so far with Kobsukh's hybrids is their boring y6ellow-brown colour, but that can be overcome int he next few generations - we have to look at the long-term view, not at any short term achievements, as IMHO it is the overall picture that counts, not so much the individual hybrid that we have today (I fully agree that today's gene pool is very important, but I emphasise the longer-term perspective).
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Re: The hobby Cymbidium scene.

Post by orchids3 »

The U.S. hobby scene should improve as more plants become available to hobby growers. We need to educate people more about just what cymbidiums to grow. My local area was harmed by vendors who imported coastal California hybrids and sold the plants for high prices. Rarely did the hobby grower ever re-bloom the imported plants in our hot and humid environment. It often made a quick buck for the vendor but discouraged the budding cymbidium enthusiast forever.
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Re: The hobby Cymbidium scene.

Post by Nigel »

Gary. Are you watching Mr. Cym on facebook, or Andy Easton he uses as a Nom de plume ?
Most interesting. You don't have to comment at all so no-one will hack your identity.
Gary S
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Re: The hobby Cymbidium scene.

Post by Gary S »

No Nigel, I give that platform the big miss.
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