Does New Horizon Orchids really need a Forum?

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Rob Allan
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Re: Does New Horizon Orchids really need a Forum?

Post by Rob Allan »

I personally hope that the forum does continue, as I find it a most useful place to find out and share information at the forefront of hybridising, flowering and showing etc of, in my case, cymbidiums. I can understand the ongoing outlay at time required to keep it going, but I think that it is a valuable asset. It would be a pity to see it disappear.
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Re: Does New Horizon Orchids really need a Forum?

Post by cricketerry »

I thank you for all the time, effort and money you have put into the Forum Andy. I'm not at all sure how much in benefits you or your business but on a selfish note I really enjoy it. Over many years now I have had the benefit of the top brains in the Orchid World here helping me along my path of discovery and enjoyment. Only you can decide if it is worth continuing investing your time and cash but from my point of view it is a great experience.
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Re: Does New Horizon Orchids really need a Forum?

Post by Thomas »

I certainly appreciate the Forum - I don’t believe that there is anywhere else that you can get this amount of “quality “information”, not only with photo’s but also the discussion. I would hate to see the forum go but certainly understand the time and money that it costs to host it.
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Re: Does New Horizon Orchids really need a Forum?

Post by richardb »

I think all the above says it all - regular browsers really appreciate the information they gain from all Andy's hard work.
It seems to me that the whole basis of any forum is should be interaction, discussion, criticism, debate and so on rather than merely all the driving force being from the forum owner. OK, the provider should get involved but their major function should be that of Moderator. Looking at the pages it is clear that the vast amount of original input on this forum comes from hard working Andy, then in many cases where we see images the occasional platitude is offered but rarely rising to more than single figures in responses.
What is lacking here is OUR support for Andy by triggering debates instead of just awaiting input from the master. Just look at activity during his recent US visit - forum was almost dormant. WE should be driving the content with Andy supporting, not leaving everything to Andy's busy schedule.
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Re: Does New Horizon Orchids really need a Forum?

Post by MrCym »

Richard, as normal, you've used a few words to cover a gamut of ideas! I'm onboard and this Forum will continue. I learn so much from any and all comments.... just last evening I dined with friends and much of our conversation was about the Cattleya Alliance. I had a totally stimulating exchange of ideas. I used to work a lot with Cattleyas , my very successful remake of C. Atalanta in its alba iteration was one of the greatest and totally rewarding experiences of my orchid life. Genetic curiosity never dims, can't say the same about my eyesight!!

So, I am just waiting for Tony's input from Adelaide. He has been the secret strength of our Forum and it still amazes me that all this electronic back and forth can happen worldwide. Being a technical Luddite is quite a handicap!

This coming week sees the much anticipated visit of the Ruiters to little El Retiro, my excitement is at fever pitch. Hopefully their return to family in Curacao on Saturday November 23 will cap off a memorable week. Our weather has been wetter than usual and cooler too but somehow, a few new, and some significant old-timers have flushed at just the right time. I hope to involve readers in some of the fun.

Thank you all!

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